The Super Bowl
Attended a very small Super Bowl party, there was two meals, lunch and dinner. It was a 'let's cook together' gathering. Fluffy Belgian homemade waffles with homemade orange butter spread and crispy pan-fried sausages was lunch. I know these are usually breakfast foods but it was indeed lunch. Dinner was two steaks prepared by each of us...oh, the joy of variety! We made a beautiful potato salad and a delightful, garden salad. Our snack for the game was reduced fat Cape Cod potato chips with a very spicy yogurt dip.
We watched the game, paid very little attention to the famous and infamous Super Bowl commercials but HALF TIME ~~~~ Wow Wow Wow!!!! Prince is a king, he was just the cat's meow of a half time performer. The rag he wore on his head so his hair stayed cute till the last song was just so PRINCE,baby. It was pouring the purple rain in Miami but Prince and his crew just danced and sang like it was blue skies and sunshine; never missing a step or a note. As reported previously in this blog, his Purple Badness works me over. I was screaming at my friend's home as if I were in Miami at the actual event; she was screaming, too!!!!!