Monday, April 05, 2010

Tiger Speaks!!!

Everyone is breathless awaiting an unscripted press conference with the world's top golfer. His dalliances and car accident on Thanksgiving night have been a boon to the publishing and media business. This story has been very well reported, not just by entertainment news people but the hard news jourmalists were running down the Tiger story. What can be left to say? If the reporting on the buildup to the Iraq war had been as thorough, the US may not have launched "Shock and Awe"in the Middle East.

We have heard from the women who were his lovers. I call them the "checkbook mistresses".
We heard from reliable sources as to what Elin's thinking has been.
We have read the texts and heard the voice mails. Tiger's girlfriend from college has had her time to tell all about Tiger and his daddy. Even his kindgaen teacher is suing him for duress inflicthis comments abyCharles Barkley's book