Friday, July 14, 2006

Big Dig Tunnel Collapse Is A Many Headed Snake

Getting rid of Matt Amorello will not kill the beast! The problem is we have no visionary, public or private like the iconoclasts who shepherded the Golden Gate bridge, the Hoover Dam and the Panama Canal into being.

Bechtel Parsons is one head of the snake;Mass Continental (major contractor in the collapsed area), the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and the Governors are other heads of the snake. A piece needs to taken out of all of' them. We are lacking a civic Knight devoted to the Big Dig to bring the citizens,Government and the private firms building the project into accord. We are missing consistent leadership and devotion that made other projects worldclass accomplishments.


"Billi" said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for your readership and support. Keep coming back and tell your friends

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.