Monday, October 30, 2006

Technical Problems

Dear Readers,
I am having technical problems which is that I technically have NOT been in my chair in front of my computer banging out my blog. I get my ideas from the newspapers, television news and other blogs and sometimes, readers suggest a topic. I ALWAYS have an opinion; sometimes, I am just too steamed to write it down. So in the favor of my readership, I've held my tongue but no more. What's a blog for if not to raise a little HELL ! ? ! ???! ! !

One entry I wrote that did not make it to the blog because of a technical difficulties was about Condoleezza Rice. Damn good!!!! More incredible, I had some positive things to say about her. Having a positive thought or feeling about Rice is highly unusual for me as of many of my circle know. Condoleezza impressed me at least temporarily. More on Secretary Rice in a future posting.

Please keep coming back to I have lots more to say. Thank you for reading me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill: your writings are excellent. And I am so glad that you decided that Ms. Rice name needed correction.
