Saturday, October 06, 2007

Grandather's Son Is Bush's Trojan Horse

The cordial, more centrist President George H.W. Bush given the privilege to replace Justice Thurgood Marshall thrust upon us Clarence Thomas. Bush located a man with intense self-hatred and extreme animus to the Black community to replace a Justice of high stature and support to and from the Black Community and other under served groups in the United States. He WAS not qualified ----his judicial experience was minuscule. Thomas is the Trojan horse of Bush, a black face with radical conservative views. Bush appears to be racially fair but puts "his" Black man on the bench. Bush selected the Black man who has always existed in America; the servant of Bush's principles who is a member of the community of color but not part of their struggle ...only advancing "the bosses" agenda.

Being a gitchee boy from Pin Point ,Georgia has so scarred Clarence Thomas that he is still enraged from that time through his Senate confirmation hearings and sixteen years on the high court. Thomas per his book " My Grandfather's Son" is not happy about his distant past, his recent past nor his current situation. Affirmative action's assistance in his life made Thomas feel so inferior and he does not want one more Black , Latino or White woman(the group who benefited most from the program)to face his chagrin. Successful grandpa provided young Clarence Thomas with strong financial support , a private school education and a good work ethic. That independent hard working Black man, Thoma's grandpa, may have become a millionaire if some of the racial barriers he faced had been eased by some sort of assistance (government or do gooders) to address those barriers.

Being a Justice on the Supreme court is for a lifetime, I entreat Justice Thomas to remember the compassion of a grandfather who took him in as he considers his decisions and opinions on the court.
Make your granddaddy proud.

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