Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Cradle of Democracy

Wow!! The land of Jesus, Mohammed and Abraham is on fire. Two warfronts for Israel and the fledgling new government of Iraq is going swell. I have no idea of how to solve this but I can see how the"shock and awe" push to Baghdad has just cooled the region right down. The Palestinians did have a legitimate election; expressed the will of the people but the Israelis, Americans and rest of the international community will not accept the results.


Anonymous said...

Did the late but great, muscial genius Curtis Mayfield have it right--that we all are "educated fools from uneducated schools" and "If there is hell below, we're all gonna go go go go"?--JD

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

"Billi" said...

Thanks keep copming back and tell your friends , relatives and coworkers. I appreciate your comments.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.