- He's a sleazy porn guy
- The lawsuit came to a draw
- GMA and the pornographer are trading on Jackson's fame because the paltry story would not have been covered otherwise
- Its tasteless
...Why did the NAACP repeatedly invite George Bush to speak at their convention
- As Maya Angelou says"when someone tells you who they are, believe them"
- When an invitation is turned down over and over ,that means 'Hell No'
- Now 5 1/2 years later Bush wants "unity" between the GOP and African Americans
- Being dissed repeatedly; the warmest possible offer to join the Republican Party
...why is Barry Bonds the only baseball player referenced or seriously investigated in the steroid scandal
- Take a look at Mark McGuire his photo is under steroids in the dictionary
- Jason Giambi admitted to steroid use but is rarely discussed
- I think the sporting public's desire for results at all costs puts some of the blame for all this steroid use on us
Glad I got this stuff off my chest!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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