Thursday, September 14, 2006

Deval Patrick Signs of Hope

I have become involved with the Deval Patrick for governor campaign. So dear readers, you'll be hearing about him from me quite a bit. "Tighten up your seat belts, folks!!! You're in for a bumpy ride" as stated by Betty Davis.

Here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for me politics is a blood sport. I love it and believed wholeheartedly in Tom Reilly. I believe that governing is a very unique space. Americans have bought this spin that business success equals governing success. REILLY HAS SHOWN HIMSELF to be inept at being the Commonwealth's leader through the missteps of his campaign. So I looked elsewhere and I found Deval Patrick ~~~my Signs of Hope.

Patrick's retail politics impressed me even before I began to review him as a possible choice for my vote. I looked at Gabrielli and I listened a bit to Mihos and Grace Ross.
Deval Patrick's earnestness, willingness, to go door to door asking citizens for their votes and his platform to return Massachusetts to its former glory and beyond sold ME.

Vote in Tuesday's primary election. Vote your choice. I will be voting for and supporting Deval Patrick. I believe he will bring optimism back and translate his ideas to governing and more important real statesmanship from Beacon Hill.

Thanks for reading

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