Yesterday was harder for me than previous anniversaries of 9 / 11 / 2001. S0 many many many emotions:
and most of all access to these emotions. I was very numb and shocked at what I watched on that morning's live newscasts. A glorious, crystal blue skies, September day now known as September 11th. I had to shut down and compartmentalize my stuff to handle the Terror against the US(us). The day was carefully, creatively and respectfully observed by so many people in groups, formally or informally. I saw a beautiful mixture of expressions that reflected the good parts of America.
I am sending the white light to banish even a small tiny piece of the somber grief felt yesterday and many many days since 9 / 1 1/ 2001.
Truly, life is full of opposites. For every in, there's an out; for every up, there's a down, and for every bad, there is a good. The world's first and oldest people, Africans, understood and taught this ages ago. And the basic truth of it still stands--whereas the opposites may seem only to contract each other, they actually balance each other in time.
In short, the Almighty Creator and the African Ancestors taught and, in their own way, continue to teach, that balance is the key. It levels the world. But when it does not exist, the lack of it topples it. Is that the case in our world today? You answer.
Thank you for your time, kindness, and speedy respone.
Hotep (Peace)!
---J. D. Jackson
Peace, LB!!(Big Smile!)
J. D.
I gave it a quick run through/skimming over and the blog looks graat. Keep up the great work.
hello J.D>
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. You ask if there is balance in the world today????
The answer is absolutely yes. It is not the cessation of wars or rumours of wars; it is the connection between individuals and in groups to act locally for universal results.Yes in spite of ho it appears there is some level of balance in today's world >>>spirit to spirit and soul to soul<<<<<<
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