Kerry Healey the current Lt. Governor of Massachusetts is running negative ads about her opponent Deval Patrick that highlight his work as a lawyer. She states that as a lawyer, Patrick defended a "cop killer" and now that man is eligible for parole in Florida. The ad asks is that the kind of person we want for governor of our state. The answer is hell, yes!!!
Patrick was successful as a lawyer, at Harvard and at the Justice Department under President Clinton. I want a successful truly selfmade man to be the top executive of Massachusetts. We need statesmanship, leadership and someone with the life experience to scrap as hard as necessary to do a good job as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Healey's negative ads decry a excellent advocate for the defense. Patrick's defense of an accused criminal resulted in a reduced sentence from execution to a sentence that allows the "cop killer" to be eligible for parole.
Yes, the crime was vicious and uncalled for but Deval Patrick defended the man under the laws of the state of Florida and the judicial practices of the United States. The American legal system is known and revered as the most fair and open and just legal system in the world. Our system is adversarial, prosecution against the defense. Our laws require every person accused of crimes to have council and the same quality of defense as the richest man or woman in our nation( fat chance of that "really" being the case). Patrick and his "cop killer"client went the through 'rough and tumble' the of Florida's courts and they prevailed. For this Deval Patrick is being battered and blamed with Healey's huge media buy( the commercial seems to be on all the time). Blamed for doing his job. Blamed for defending a man who killed a policeman. Blamed for honoring and participating in the judicial system of the United States that is a light unto the rest of the world.
Kerry really has nothing to show for her time in office so she must attack. Deval Patrick is holding fast to his promise not to go negative in responding to the terrible and low down attacks on him. When one really has nothing to say, Kerry Healey has turned ugly
. More Money than substance!!!!!