Sunday, October 15, 2006

Deval Patrick Fights Back

Today, I attended the Deval Patrick rally on the Boston Common. What a perfect fall afternoon it was ~~~ lots of people, good cheer ,a beautiful blue sky and Mr Deval Patrick kicking a little Healey ass. He said ' don't worry about the negative ads and attacks; I'll handle that!!' Deval asked the crowd( around 5000 strong) to support him for the next 23 days to get to the Governor's office and to continue to support him after he arrives in the Governor's chair. Because >>> TOGETHER WE CAN!

Deval Patrick said that he and his wife, Diane stand firmly with his sister and brother in-law who have repaired their lives and continued together as a family raising children. Patrick emphasized that he and his family are as flawed as any other family but that his sister,her husband and two children did not need to be raked over the coals by the press because they are related to a man running for governor. I say "Amen" to that. I say to the Herald I believe a great disservice was done in exposing Patrick sister's wounds. What does his sister being a victim of crime tell us about the candidate ~~~ only that the Patricks are like any other family . Shame on the Boston Herald !!!

Patrick emphasized his accomplishments and put into perspective the reasons behind the attack ads of the Healey campaign ... Nothing else to talk about. I still do not know why Healey is in the race for governor ??? I am quite disappointed that Kerry Healey believes that a Karl Rove style, low down dirty campaign, will work in Massachusetts.

Deval Patrick has a vision for the Commonwealth and I want some of that. I want to be part of putting Massachusetts right. If you do too, pull the Deval Patrick lever on November 7th.


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