Monday, November 06, 2006

Why Women Love Prince So Much

Sitting here this morning trying to figure out why this purple crazed munchin gets to me so much as I listen to old Prince songs on my cassette player, its his intelligent, humorous sexiness. Prince turns all my dials !!! He says things slyly ~ hotly ~ in his falsetto voice ~ in his bass voice AND he's pretty. That pretty part at first, could appear to be a problem but all the women know his carefully put togetherness is for each and every one of us ~~~ personally.

All smart men know the center of a woman's sexuality is her brain. Prince works the brain over and over and titilates the other sensuous centers with his provocative licks on the guitar, piano and drums then teases with his voice. I can hardly type and listen. One ardent Prince fan who is a friend of mine has moved to Minneapolis to be closer to his Purple Badness (you know who you are). The women surrounding Prince are the real deal they are not props. I want to be a Prince woman but I am not his type although he is my " special" type.

More big, manly men than one would think are undercover Princes; I fondly remember a coquettish fellow named Chuck who really turned the tables on me. What a fond memory. This is a shout out to the King of sensuality and humor.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog, just curious, how did you find me?