Sit back on this lovely settee, and try to get your head right; have a little more of the hair of the dog that bit you last night. I've got the turkey in the oven and its got the house smelling really good. As Miss Betty Davis used to say "we're in for a bumpy ride" !!
The financial pundits are out in force on the morning chat shows 'cheer leading' that 2008 is going to be a positive' in the black year. Well yeah .... (CIA wire tap program) just found where the weapons of mass destruction are in Iraq; there's a mushroom cloud from Iran and their plan to attack the United States within 24 hours is operative and best of all, Dick Cheney telephoned me personally so I could meet deadline on this column to verify that I was right all along about that his duck hunting "accident" was no "accident". He'd wanted to shoot that fellow for years and now he was in a positon to do it and get away with it. Cheney offered to show me how to shoot at the White House's shooting range, I demurred.
The mortgage debacle/ results in many foreclosures>>>>> reduced homebuilding>>>reduced home buying>>>>less major purchases ...less jobs .....reduced shopping for small items due to high energy prices>>>>low confidence housing values not growing>>>.
dollar delvalued>>>>LAYOFFS >>>>> CARPENTERS ... Tradesmen
HOMEBUILDERS ...fear invades others . The carpet guy isn't buying 12 coffees and 2 1/2 dozen donuts every morning; putting $2.50 in Karen's tip jar and Karen's lost ten other good, regular blue guys this month. Recession, at least, a short lived one.
This is micro economics the way they taught me at my fine New England women's college.
** Both sides of the isles, Republicans and Democrats have covered up their crimes and misdeeds via the power of their offices.
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