The financial pundits are out in force on the morning chat shows 'cheer leading' that 2008 is going to be a positive' in the black year. Well yeah .... (CIA wire tap program) just found where the weapons of mass destruction are in Iraq; there's a mushroom cloud from Iran and their plan to attack the United States within 24 hours is operative and best of all, Dick Cheney telephoned me personally so I could meet deadline on this column to verify that I was right all along about that his duck hunting "accident" was no "accident". He'd wanted to shoot that fellow for years and now he was in a positon to do it and get away with it. Cheney offered to show me how to shoot at the White House's shooting range, I demurred.
The mortgage debacle/ results in many foreclosures>>>>> reduced homebuilding>>>reduced home buying>>>>less major purchases ...less jobs .....reduced shopping for small items due to high energy prices>>>>low confidence housing values not growing>>>.
dollar delvalued>>>>LAYOFFS >>>>> CARPENTERS ... Tradesmen
HOMEBUILDERS ...fear invades others . The carpet guy isn't buying 12 coffees and 2 1/2 dozen donuts every morning; putting $2.50 in Karen's tip jar and Karen's lost ten other good, regular blue guys this month. Recession, at least, a short lived one.
This is micro economics the way they taught me at my fine New England women's college.
** Both sides of the isles, Republicans and Democrats have covered up their crimes and misdeeds via the power of their offices.
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