Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Norman Laliberte' ~ Fun Stuff Art

Today I am looking over a large postcard for the Laliberte' 2004 show and reception at the

Danforth Musuem of Art( Framingham,MA). This guy is just having big fun creating his pieces.

There are humorous little nuggets throughout the pieces in this show. Norman uses acrylic on

canvas and found objects. For me this just great because I love anything that is multi media.

Multimedia reminds me of Miss Patton, my elementary school art teacher, who so good at

getting her students to make art from "found" materials.

  • Laliberte's drawings look simple and sophisticated at the same time
  • The paintings always had his initials or name somewhere in the piece ...loved that!
  • the found objects were everyday things and some more obscure things
  • Colors he used made each painting whole ~ combining the painted part with the dominoes or copper bits or wooden letters or electrical boxes attached

I can't put up a painting from that show here; but I can tell you the name of Norman Laliberte's painting used for the postcard:

love has its own language

Look him up find the beauty and the humor. He made my heart smile and kids love the work, even going so far as to touch it (of course, that is not allowed). What a pleasure to see children connecting so strongly to Laliberte's work.

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