Monday, October 02, 2006

Beleaguered Bush

Enemies of the Bush administration said the Bushies were lying about why the US is at war in Iraq and about the civil war currently going on there. Democrats and a few others said DUMP Rumsfeld. Per Bob Woodward's new book, State of Denial, Andy Card, former white house Chief of Staff gave Mr. Bush the same advice, DUMP Rumsfeld. Andy Card may have been dumped because of this advice given or maybe, he just left the ship before it sank.

When enemies and trusted friends gave President Bush the same directive, come clean with the American public and clean house and start over with fresh minds, eyes and hearts to solve this mess, MORASS; Pres Dubba did not listen.

Can all these diverse voices be wrong? Here's hoping Bush will listen, even at this late date, to get America on the right path in Iraq and elsewhere ~~~~!!!!!!

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