Sunday, October 01, 2006

Considering the Gubernatorial Race in Massachusetts

Dear Readers,
I shall be discussing details of the election of the next governor of the Commonwealth.

First,the Republicans and Kerry Healey; I personally have no idea why Healey is running for office. I always saw Healey as a stunt pick for the Lt. Governor candidate that Mitt Romney commandeered when he threw Jane Swift under the bus. Healey was a hedge against the backlash that might occur over candidate's and the Republican party's horrible treatment of Governor Jane Swift ~~~'Mitt's got the money and will run Jane over with a tank if she attempted to oppose him in a bid for the corner office' was the position taken. Kerry is a follower not a leader; she has been a policy wonk for the Republicans and I believe being called up to the Lt. Governor's slot was as much a shock to her as it was to me and to other voters. She looked shellshocked to me and I thought maybe she felt shame for being a sop to women voters but was willing to take one for the team. I repeatedly said to myself and to others " Kerry who???". "Where did she come from and what political experience did she have", I asked myself. So I have no idea, none at all, why this person is running now. Mitt Romney did not accomplish anything as governor. Why would voters reward his assistant ?????

Republicans in the past and now have considered being governor of Massachusetts as a stop on the road to somewhere else. Weld left midterm when Jesse Helms put the thumbs down (blue card) on him and prevented him from being US ambassador to Mexico. His successor, Paul Cellucci left midterm when he wrangled a job as the US trade representative to Canada. Governor Jane Swift made national news when as the successor to Cellucci; she gave birth to twins while in office. Swift did not leave midterm but the public turned viciously against her for being a pregnant married woman while in office. Governor Willard " Mitt" Romney was aspiring to the 2008 presidential race attempting to best his dad who was a governor and a senator. I do not believe Mitt "good hair" Romney will make it on the broader national stage for president but who knows?

I've made up my mind to vote for Deval Patrick. He has a vision for Massachusetts that gives me hope. Just look a the Republicans' record and decide for yourself. The slogan for Deval Patrick says " Together we can" and I believe together we can make the Commonwealth a better place to live and a light for the nation.

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