As I am sure you know: every day above ground is a good day. Yesterday was spectacular, I returned at the local museum as a docent-in-training and was warmly greeted by new docents and old docents. Hugged as many folks as I could and boy, did it feel wonderful . I can not say enough about how great it was to be back. My heart was warmed to the very inner cockles of my being.
The day continued to get better when I spoke to an old friend whom I had not spoken to in nearly twenty years. So very nice to renew old acquaintances; a very fine day indeed. The weather was glorious New England fall ~~~ beautiful blue skies, a few puffy, billowy clouds and that just right temperature.
The universe and the planets were truly in place for me ...
Pundit for the People ~Sharing my thoughts ~venting my spleen ~giving a few good cooking tips now and then
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Tell the Truth and Stomp the Devil
Well I am mystified and totally confused, saw Bill O'Reilly out flakking his new book which portrays himself and other right wing radicals like him as reasonable, "traditional" people ???????
I know this is a lot of question marks but this is how amazed I am to hear someone from the network that is the mouthpeice for the White House claiming to be unbiased and even critical of Bush.
Did I miss something? Have there been some radical changes made over at the Fox network ????
Bill Clinton was interviewed by Fox's Chris Wallace this weekend and he was asked a question which blamed him for the bin Laden debacle. Former President Clinton attacked Chris Wallace for that question and demanded to know if Wallace or anyone at the Fox network asked the President George W.Bush et al the same questions. He really took Chris Wallace to the wood shed and let him know he was tired of being blamed for Osama bin Laden not being captured over six years after Clinton left the top office and five years after 9/11/2001.
That's what it means to "tell the truth and stomp the devil".
Bill O'Reilly should try telling the plain unvarnished truth. Do "traditional , reasonable" men have to pay off female producers for sexual harrassment because she had the goods on him and would have gone public if Fox and Bill didn't pay her off ???????
Feel free to use the phrase:
I know this is a lot of question marks but this is how amazed I am to hear someone from the network that is the mouthpeice for the White House claiming to be unbiased and even critical of Bush.
Did I miss something? Have there been some radical changes made over at the Fox network ????
Bill Clinton was interviewed by Fox's Chris Wallace this weekend and he was asked a question which blamed him for the bin Laden debacle. Former President Clinton attacked Chris Wallace for that question and demanded to know if Wallace or anyone at the Fox network asked the President George W.Bush et al the same questions. He really took Chris Wallace to the wood shed and let him know he was tired of being blamed for Osama bin Laden not being captured over six years after Clinton left the top office and five years after 9/11/2001.
That's what it means to "tell the truth and stomp the devil".
Bill O'Reilly should try telling the plain unvarnished truth. Do "traditional , reasonable" men have to pay off female producers for sexual harrassment because she had the goods on him and would have gone public if Fox and Bill didn't pay her off ???????
Feel free to use the phrase:
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Last Day Of Summer

Cool nights and warm days of blue skies with a few billowy, cotton candy, white clouds; I basked in yesterday's glory. I read my mail in the gazebo in a patch of sunlight. Hmmm hmmm, the season went out with a bang.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
A Lie is A Lie is A Lie
Hello Dear Readers,
I just do not not get the Bush administration. Do Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and Alberto Gonzales( the yes-Yes man) know what a lie is or more importantly do they not know that American citizens definitely DO know what a lie is? A Canadian citizen deported to Syria and held there and tortured(called the program by Mr. Bush) for ten months was mistakenly placed on the terrorist watch list by his government and deported (RENDITION) by our government. Canada set the ball rolling with its error ... Syrian born, Mahar Arrars, must be a terrorist because he's vacationing in Tunisia ...And the US kept it going by not checking the Canadians assertions and then deporting/renditioning the man to Syria. They say its not the US"s fault although the CIA or FBI did not notify Canada before Arrars was sent at 3:00 am on a plane to Jordan and then driven to Syria ~~~ THIS IS A LIE !!!! Canada was not notified till October about a action taken in late September.
what happened to the coalition of the of the willing and the American security service's communications to foreign security services ? ? ? ? ?
In regards to Canada they admit their mistake, their part in this matter and are asking for a candid and truthful admission to our part? ? ? ?
sounds fair and necessary to keep the support of US allies with us and to maintain the coalition of the willing in America's first strike policy.
A LIE is A LIE Is >>> is a LIE.
I just do not not get the Bush administration. Do Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and Alberto Gonzales( the yes-Yes man) know what a lie is or more importantly do they not know that American citizens definitely DO know what a lie is? A Canadian citizen deported to Syria and held there and tortured(called the program by Mr. Bush) for ten months was mistakenly placed on the terrorist watch list by his government and deported (RENDITION) by our government. Canada set the ball rolling with its error ... Syrian born, Mahar Arrars, must be a terrorist because he's vacationing in Tunisia ...And the US kept it going by not checking the Canadians assertions and then deporting/renditioning the man to Syria. They say its not the US"s fault although the CIA or FBI did not notify Canada before Arrars was sent at 3:00 am on a plane to Jordan and then driven to Syria ~~~ THIS IS A LIE !!!! Canada was not notified till October about a action taken in late September.
what happened to the coalition of the of the willing and the American security service's communications to foreign security services ? ? ? ? ?
In regards to Canada they admit their mistake, their part in this matter and are asking for a candid and truthful admission to our part? ? ? ?
sounds fair and necessary to keep the support of US allies with us and to maintain the coalition of the willing in America's first strike policy.
A LIE is A LIE Is >>> is a LIE.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Brigade Crossing the Bridge
Monday, September 18, 2006
Crossing the Bridge to Victory
Well, here we are, one day (pre-primary) before you get to exercise your privilege as an American to vote for the candidate of your choice. You are the bridge Deval Patrick must cross to succeed. I like being a plank in the bridge of Democracy. I feel to be fully a citizen is not only my privilege but also my duty. Please get out and vote >>>>>
Be a plank in the Bridge of Democracy. Vote for Deval Patrick!!!
Together we can!
Be a plank in the Bridge of Democracy. Vote for Deval Patrick!!!
Together we can!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Patrick is Primary for the Commonwealth
i feel we need a new and true direction for Massachusetts. the Romney/Healy team fought Matt Amorelo like dragonslayers and now their man at the Turnpike Authority is over there cutting perks.
a woman is slain in the Big Dig tunnel by faulty engineering and the Republican answer is to save money for taxpayers: I THINK NOT !!!!!!!
this taxpayer is looking for some answers like commitment and dedication to this enormous engineering behemoth not just rotating the personnel.
this taxpayer is looking for the whys and wherefores of this tragedy.
this taxpayer wants to hear daily updates about the Bechtel, Modern Construction, and other contractors for their failures on the Big Dig as they sucked the entire American public dry with their large fees for shoddy, substandard work.
this taxpayer is looking for hope for the future of the Commonwealth.
i believe i have found it in the candidacy of Deval Patrick. i have confidence that he can ride the unicorn that is government service.
Why do I call it the unicorn??? because government ... city, state and federal is an unique animal that must be understood and conquered by our next governor and all elected officials.
A mighty GAP needs to be filled. Deval Patrick has convinced me he is the tamer of the unicorn, the right person to put our state back on top. He has been a public servant before and understands the primary function of all government is to serve and care for citizens in many varied ways.
join me Tuesday at your local polling place Pull the lever for Deval Patrick for governor.
Together we can!
a woman is slain in the Big Dig tunnel by faulty engineering and the Republican answer is to save money for taxpayers: I THINK NOT !!!!!!!
this taxpayer is looking for some answers like commitment and dedication to this enormous engineering behemoth not just rotating the personnel.
this taxpayer is looking for the whys and wherefores of this tragedy.
this taxpayer wants to hear daily updates about the Bechtel, Modern Construction, and other contractors for their failures on the Big Dig as they sucked the entire American public dry with their large fees for shoddy, substandard work.
this taxpayer is looking for hope for the future of the Commonwealth.
i believe i have found it in the candidacy of Deval Patrick. i have confidence that he can ride the unicorn that is government service.
Why do I call it the unicorn??? because government ... city, state and federal is an unique animal that must be understood and conquered by our next governor and all elected officials.
A mighty GAP needs to be filled. Deval Patrick has convinced me he is the tamer of the unicorn, the right person to put our state back on top. He has been a public servant before and understands the primary function of all government is to serve and care for citizens in many varied ways.
join me Tuesday at your local polling place Pull the lever for Deval Patrick for governor.
Together we can!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Deval Patrick Signs of Hope
I have become involved with the Deval Patrick for governor campaign. So dear readers, you'll be hearing about him from me quite a bit. "Tighten up your seat belts, folks!!! You're in for a bumpy ride" as stated by Betty Davis.
Here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for me politics is a blood sport. I love it and believed wholeheartedly in Tom Reilly. I believe that governing is a very unique space. Americans have bought this spin that business success equals governing success. REILLY HAS SHOWN HIMSELF to be inept at being the Commonwealth's leader through the missteps of his campaign. So I looked elsewhere and I found Deval Patrick ~~~my Signs of Hope.
Patrick's retail politics impressed me even before I began to review him as a possible choice for my vote. I looked at Gabrielli and I listened a bit to Mihos and Grace Ross.
Deval Patrick's earnestness, willingness, to go door to door asking citizens for their votes and his platform to return Massachusetts to its former glory and beyond sold ME.
Vote in Tuesday's primary election. Vote your choice. I will be voting for and supporting Deval Patrick. I believe he will bring optimism back and translate his ideas to governing and more important real statesmanship from Beacon Hill.
Thanks for reading
Blessed Be I am BLESSED
Boston is known as the Hub; to many it is the Athens of America because of the large number of colleges and
universities located here. Harvard, MIT, Simmons (my alma mater), Wellesley, Northeastern, Boston College
and Boston University just to name a few. I remember a salty joke told by one of my favorite professors that
describes Maine as the Hub with Boston and all the rest of New England as its constellations.
I am a constellation. My Hub is my family and friends, acquaintances and professionals whom I encounter who are all deeply religious believers and devoted people who are my blessings. I am magnificently BLESSED by their prescence and prayers for me. I am aware of the God of my father and mother, sisters and brother, uncles and aunts and cousins, friends and acquaintances.
There is not a luckier girl in the world than me nor a more grateful woman than me for the intercessation of the prayers of my circle. That is how I am also a Hub ~~~ the superb folks who are surrounding me with love and prayers and good intentions in their various denominations and religions are connected to each other for through me.
wOwie I am a H U B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blessings to you and yours today and always
universities located here. Harvard, MIT, Simmons (my alma mater), Wellesley, Northeastern, Boston College
and Boston University just to name a few. I remember a salty joke told by one of my favorite professors that
describes Maine as the Hub with Boston and all the rest of New England as its constellations.
I am a constellation. My Hub is my family and friends, acquaintances and professionals whom I encounter who are all deeply religious believers and devoted people who are my blessings. I am magnificently BLESSED by their prescence and prayers for me. I am aware of the God of my father and mother, sisters and brother, uncles and aunts and cousins, friends and acquaintances.
There is not a luckier girl in the world than me nor a more grateful woman than me for the intercessation of the prayers of my circle. That is how I am also a Hub ~~~ the superb folks who are surrounding me with love and prayers and good intentions in their various denominations and religions are connected to each other for through me.
wOwie I am a H U B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blessings to you and yours today and always
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Fifth Time Around
Yesterday was harder for me than previous anniversaries of 9 / 11 / 2001. S0 many many many emotions:
and most of all access to these emotions. I was very numb and shocked at what I watched on that morning's live newscasts. A glorious, crystal blue skies, September day now known as September 11th. I had to shut down and compartmentalize my stuff to handle the Terror against the US(us). The day was carefully, creatively and respectfully observed by so many people in groups, formally or informally. I saw a beautiful mixture of expressions that reflected the good parts of America.
I am sending the white light to banish even a small tiny piece of the somber grief felt yesterday and many many days since 9 / 1 1/ 2001.
and most of all access to these emotions. I was very numb and shocked at what I watched on that morning's live newscasts. A glorious, crystal blue skies, September day now known as September 11th. I had to shut down and compartmentalize my stuff to handle the Terror against the US(us). The day was carefully, creatively and respectfully observed by so many people in groups, formally or informally. I saw a beautiful mixture of expressions that reflected the good parts of America.
I am sending the white light to banish even a small tiny piece of the somber grief felt yesterday and many many days since 9 / 1 1/ 2001.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Pesto and Paintings
I made pesto last week with local basil from the Natick farmer's market. I did not use any cheese, not Parmesan nor pecorino ...Does it still qualify as pesto?
My cooking Goddess, Julia Child, always emphasized to "your own tastes" so to me is pesto.
To me, cooking is an art form as much as a sonnet, sculpture or even, a huge installation at a modern art museum ~~~ and you get to eat it. The combination of good ingredients , artfully combined to make something pleasing to the eye as well as the palate; well, "you just can't beat that even with a stick"as my Mama says.
I can never understand it when people boast loudly and over and over "I don't cook". If you do not cook fine , its not your interest or strength, okay. I consider cooking my privilege to do and share with my friends, neighbors and others. Challenge cooking is really my forte' , to see if I can prepare something spectacular from unusual or unexpected ingredients. Some friends, you know who you are, ask "what did you substitute in this recipe ? ". I am a Julia Child devotee and I was well trained via her television cooking programs that the true gourmet comes from doing what you want with classical French technique. I am NOT a food snob.
I love it all different cultures, all techniques and all the people who introduce me to their milieu or inspire me to in a new foodwise direction.
My cooking Goddess, Julia Child, always emphasized to "your own tastes" so to me is pesto.
To me, cooking is an art form as much as a sonnet, sculpture or even, a huge installation at a modern art museum ~~~ and you get to eat it. The combination of good ingredients , artfully combined to make something pleasing to the eye as well as the palate; well, "you just can't beat that even with a stick"as my Mama says.
I can never understand it when people boast loudly and over and over "I don't cook". If you do not cook fine , its not your interest or strength, okay. I consider cooking my privilege to do and share with my friends, neighbors and others. Challenge cooking is really my forte' , to see if I can prepare something spectacular from unusual or unexpected ingredients. Some friends, you know who you are, ask "what did you substitute in this recipe ? ". I am a Julia Child devotee and I was well trained via her television cooking programs that the true gourmet comes from doing what you want with classical French technique. I am NOT a food snob.
I love it all different cultures, all techniques and all the people who introduce me to their milieu or inspire me to in a new foodwise direction.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Never Forgetting and Remembering Nine Eleven

Let us never forget the loss, the hole in the hearts of all Americans from our common tragedies. The attacks on the Pentagon and the Twin Towers and the stopped cold attempt that ended near Shanksville, Pennsylvania have wounded all of us.
The attacks gave us a few moments of true Unity as a nation, society and a republic.
Never forget the damage ... the hole in your heart/soul and the wounds to all the countries who have grieved our losses. Always remember the suffering of other societies, peoples and nations as they have held the United States in their hearts, minds, souls and permanent memorials.
All pain is the same .. we ALL bleed RED. Let's never forget nine eleven 2001 but always remember our fellows around the WORLD as they bleed with us and for us.
Peace be with you and especially with every person who lost a sister, brother, mother or father or friends
at all the now sacred GROUND ZeroS
God Bless America
Make it so ...
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!
Hello all
I have been a little bit under the weather for the last few days but I am really sick to death of the the Bush crowd and their election season hollow scare tactics of the "War on Terror".
Many things done in the name of the people of the United States on the Bush watch are the sorts of actions that will create a horde of terrorists so LARGE that no amount of first strike doctrines, planting democracies in the Middle East and Arabia and constructive engagement in Asia
will be able to Conquer.
Do you hear me,
as GOD is my witness this terror tactic is hooey
(legitimate threats do
if the American public buys this "load"
...WE get the government we deserve !!!!!!!!!!!
I have been a little bit under the weather for the last few days but I am really sick to death of the the Bush crowd and their election season hollow scare tactics of the "War on Terror".
Many things done in the name of the people of the United States on the Bush watch are the sorts of actions that will create a horde of terrorists so LARGE that no amount of first strike doctrines, planting democracies in the Middle East and Arabia and constructive engagement in Asia
will be able to Conquer.
Do you hear me,
as GOD is my witness this terror tactic is hooey
(legitimate threats do
if the American public buys this "load"
...WE get the government we deserve !!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
What Does This Say About America
What does it say about America when:
- President Bush was granted the presidency by the US Supreme Court;the only man in America's history to be installed even though Al Gore,his opponent, won the popular/ numerical (more votes than Bush)vote
- No far reaching ,dig down deep investigation was done to find out what went wrong with the country's elections processes
- What went wrong in Florida and other irregular ballot/election stuff in Ohio and New Mexico???
- Mitt Romney(Mass governor) and George W. Bush are working out their stuff about their legacies, being bigger and more successful than their fathers. (Go to therapy do not work this out on the American political stage!!!!)
- When the public airwaves are stolen by greedy major corporations and we do not protest allowing private use of our airwaves without any obligation to us,the citizens
- Only blonde young women who face tradgies are covered by our major media (Jon-Bennet,Natalie Holloway, Nicole Simpson, Molly Bish and the Utah abductee, Miss Smart)
- You must at least, be white to be well reported on in this country, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave; Lacy Peterson was well covered but a Latino woman killed exactly the same way found in the same bay, pregnant, barely a whisper
- Mark Furman,former LA detective and certified racist who refused trial prep by the black attorney, Chris Darden(prosecutor) has become a celebrated author and bon vivant to movie stars and media star friends
What does this SAY about America
of the people
for the people
by the people ?????????
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Homemade vs Homestyle
Abuse is currently taking place in our commercial foods system. When I visit my local supermarket there are many foods especially in the prepared foods area things are marked "HOMEMADE"
Well Well whose home is it made in???????
Eating at my local favorite(Italian) restaurant ,many times dishes are marked homemade. I can understand this a little better. But how far does my local place have to go to call an entree "HOMEMADE" ??????? Pasta made on the premises, okay I can see that; but the term "Homestyle" seems more appropriate. If you live above the store as many families who have a food business do, then it is truly "homemade".
Food made in the home is a gift of love and caring and sustenance made by the cooks in our families. Let's respect and appreciate it. Demand that products made in room sized vats at factories are labeled "homestyle".
Homemade is what your mama, daddy or granny make and serve to you at home!!! Rare and rarer these days ...
Well Well whose home is it made in???????
Eating at my local favorite(Italian) restaurant ,many times dishes are marked homemade. I can understand this a little better. But how far does my local place have to go to call an entree "HOMEMADE" ??????? Pasta made on the premises, okay I can see that; but the term "Homestyle" seems more appropriate. If you live above the store as many families who have a food business do, then it is truly "homemade".
Food made in the home is a gift of love and caring and sustenance made by the cooks in our families. Let's respect and appreciate it. Demand that products made in room sized vats at factories are labeled "homestyle".
Homemade is what your mama, daddy or granny make and serve to you at home!!! Rare and rarer these days ...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Fish and Grits Getting It Right
In my tender years, my mother used to make her vision of this dish on Sunday mornings. She would bake a whole red snapper in the oven with onions, bell pepper, celery and tomatoes or tomato sauce until aromatic and flaky; it was then served over grits or rice. A truly delicious meal and a memory maker (obviously,I'm writing about meals served in the sixties). Love on a plate.
I next encountered this dish in the Bahamas influenced city of Miami, Florida ( in my twenties).
Delicious, savory and prepared with the magic ingredient,dried thyme. This bahamian version used fish heads sounds iffy but trust me very, very delicious. And it was all cooked in one pot the fish and the grits. This is my definitive version because I was a young woman trying her hand in my OWN kitchen. Today when I make fish and grits, I use Bernetta Hanna's recipe with salmon fish heads from my local supermarket. I gourmet it up just a little bit but is really close to Miss Bernetta's.
Whatever is served in Boston at The Brothers restaurant in Mattapan , a Boston neighborhood, is NOT fish and grits to my understanding. It's just not what I expected to be served after trekking over 25 miles to eat The Brothers much talked about and praised "fish and grits". By the way The Brothers are siblings not "brothas"; a Greek family serving a mostly Black clientele.
They have been featured on the Today show and their food is good. A generous serving of fried haddock and a generous amount of grits is not my fish and grits.
Maybe its a regional 'thang' ...
I next encountered this dish in the Bahamas influenced city of Miami, Florida ( in my twenties).
Delicious, savory and prepared with the magic ingredient,dried thyme. This bahamian version used fish heads sounds iffy but trust me very, very delicious. And it was all cooked in one pot the fish and the grits. This is my definitive version because I was a young woman trying her hand in my OWN kitchen. Today when I make fish and grits, I use Bernetta Hanna's recipe with salmon fish heads from my local supermarket. I gourmet it up just a little bit but is really close to Miss Bernetta's.
Whatever is served in Boston at The Brothers restaurant in Mattapan , a Boston neighborhood, is NOT fish and grits to my understanding. It's just not what I expected to be served after trekking over 25 miles to eat The Brothers much talked about and praised "fish and grits". By the way The Brothers are siblings not "brothas"; a Greek family serving a mostly Black clientele.
They have been featured on the Today show and their food is good. A generous serving of fried haddock and a generous amount of grits is not my fish and grits.
Maybe its a regional 'thang' ...
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